

Welcome to my blog. I share my favorite recipes and experiences with simple, delicious food. Happy cooking and eating!

Photo by GH Kim Photography


Keeping this thing alive is daunting...

Keeping this thing alive is daunting...

Do any of you have a hard time finishing projects? Hm, hopefully I am not the only one. 

For some reason, when it comes to my own projects, (like this blog), I come to a point where I just stop. And I've been thinking about why that could be. Things that require deadlines or tasks that are given to me by other people? I finish. But when it comes to my own personal things, I stop. 

Well, as always, I will be completely honest with you. I hide. I get kind of brave, come out, and then get scared and hide again. Like a snail in it's shell. When I feel safe, I come out. But when I feel vulnerable, I go back in.

Maybe it's because I'm afraid that people won't like what they see. Maybe I'm afraid of sucking. Either way, at the end of the day, it has always been because I am afraid of what people might think of me. Whoa. I said it. Out loud. And I'm 30 years old. Isn't this stuff juvenile? Like only what kids in grade school or middle school care about? Um...nope. I'm here. Guilty. 

I have always been a people pleaser and a perfectionist. I literally have anxiety when I think I might have upset someone. And then I spiral. And then I hide. But I put up a really good front of acting like I don't care. At least I thought so? Ha, who knows anymore.

ANYWAY. I'm here today to tell myself, to tell you, that I have chosen to stop hiding. Obviously, its a journey. But it's a journey I have started. To have some damn self-belief. Not because I'm all that. But because I am who I am. The good AND the bad. I may not be a fancy chef. But I am good at day-to-day meals. I may not be the perfect mom, but I do my best on the daily.  I may not be the proverb's wife, but I stand behind my husband no matter what. Guys. I don't know why I have always felt the need to be perfect at everything. Newsflash Christine, that ain't ever gonna happen and ain't nobody got time for that roller coaster. At least not anymore.

So, I am going to keep blogging. I am going to keep sharing. For me. It makes me happy. Some people may be inspired by it. And some people may be annoyed by it. And that is okay. I'm going to do me. And hopefully it might encourage you to do you. 

Christine, you do you girl. Let's go!

I lack nothing.

I lack nothing.